Orleans Fall Town-Wide Clean Sweep Week is Oct. 2-7

ORLEANS – The Orleans Town Council has set October 2-7 as “ Fall Town-Wide Clean Sweep Week,” and is encouraging all its residents to participate in the clean-up efforts for the fall and upcoming winter months ahead.

Town crews will be picking up large items of discard free of charge. Discard items should be placed curbside for easy pickup. In addition, a large dumpster will be set up at the Orleans Town Garage for resident use as well. The dumpster will be available Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. and until Noon on Saturday.

Residents are welcome and encouraged to bring any unwanted or junk-type items they want to dispose of and place them in the dumpster.

To arrange for the pick-up of items or for more information on the “Fall Clean Sweep” contact the Orleans Town Offices at 812-865-2539 or visit the town online at www.town.orleans.in.us.