Adkins, Artesians terminate BNL with 42-14 victory in sectional semifinal

By Justin Sokeland MARTINSVILLE – Scanning, targeting, identifying, executing. Martinsville quarterback Tyler Adkins was football’s version of the Terminator. He didn’t feel pity, or…

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Stars to measure improvement in sectional rematch with No.14 Martinsville

By Justin Sokeland BEDFORD – In calendar terms, 10 weeks is not long. In football terms, as a team evolves and establishes its true…

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BNL leaves Shelbyville in cloud of dust for 42-21 win in first round of sectional

By Justin Sokeland SHELBYVILLE – Somewhere in the cloud of dust that hung over the pulverized, thirsty turf that was once green at Shelbyville’s…

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BNL to see familiar face with new opponent when it visits Shelbyville for sectional opener

By Justin Sokeland BEDFORD – Brian Glesing’s coaching philosophy, dating back to his glory days at Floyd Central, is basic, fundamental. Run the ball,…

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Stars wear the golden crown, conquering East for share of HHC championship

By Justin Sokeland BEDFORD – The crown had some dust on it, having been packed away by a dynasty for so long. Some questioned…

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Stars taking their title shot, celebrating seniors during clash with Olympians

By Justin Sokeland BEDFORD – Leave a legacy. Seniors talk about that a lot, passing on something to future generations, being remembered long after…

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BNL football statistics

BEDFORD NORTH LAWRENCE FOOTBALL STATISTICS (final) Score by quarters BNL 45 56 27 95 – 223 Opp. 48 109 41 35 – 233 Team statistics…

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Stars draw Shelbyville in sectional opener

By Justin Sokeland BEDFORD – Bedford North Lawrence will make its postseason debut in a new sectional against a totally new opponent. The Stars…

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Bear claws snap on Stars as Cubs stun BNL 21-14

By Justin Sokeland MADISON – The trap became an ambush, a bear snare that snapped shut. Despite the warnings, which should have revealed the…

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The ‘trap’ is set as Stars face dangerous road trip to Madison

By Justin Sokeland BEDFORD – For traps to be effective, the target must be oblivious to the danger, unaware of the surroundings, unsuspecting of…

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