BLOOMINGTON – The City of Bloomington’s Department of Housing and Neighborhood Development (HAND) will host five sessions of Homebuyers Club in 2025. Free and open to prospective homeowners across the community, these classes are targeted to first-time home buyers with income at or below 80 percent of the area median income (AMI), to increase accessibility to home ownership. Income-qualified residents who complete the Homebuyers Club and purchase a home within the city limits may qualify for assistance with downpayment and closing costs from HAND.
Homebuyers Club sessions will cover topics such as:
- Considering whether homeownership is the right option for you
- Developing a household budget and home-buying action plan
- Developing a savings plan, credit issues, and credit repair
- Working with a realtor and determining the right home for you
- The importance of home inspections and how to value a home
- Learning about mortgages and finding the right one for you
- Protecting your investment through comprehensive home maintenance
- Accessing community and neighborhood resources
- Exploring funding assistance through local, state, and federal sources
Each session meets for two consecutive Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the first Saturday and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the second Saturday. To complete the Homebuyers Club, participants must attend both Saturdays of the session for which they are registered. 2025 sessions will meet on:
- Saturdays, January 18 and 25 (registration is now open)
- Saturdays, April 19 and 26
- Saturdays, July 12 and 19
- Saturdays, September 20 and 27
- Saturdays, November 8 and 15
The Homebuyers Club is open to all in the community at no cost. However, class size is limited and pre-registration is required. Registration opens approximately one month prior to each scheduled session. To register for the January session or to learn more about HAND’s Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance program, please visit bloomington.in.gov/housing/home-buyers-club.