2024 BNL High School graduation

BEDFORD— On Friday, May 31st, Bedford North Lawrence High School held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024. There were hundreds of graduates and the same number of attendees at the ceremony.

The gym was packed with family and friends to celebrate their loved ones graduating.

This year, the Valedictorians were Jaymee Reed and Ethan Parsley and the Salutatorians were Madisyn Bailey and Michael Hudson, who each gave speeches. The student council members delivered the Pledge of Allegiance, with student council member Houston Haddan leading the group in prayer, specifically praying for the graduating seniors Isaiah Conner and Jayden Duke, who were severely burned in a garage fire on the afternoon of May 30th.

Houston Haddan leads the ceremony in a prayer.

“This is a really great class. This would be my first year as the Assistant Principal here, and it’s just been a year that started with some ups and downs certainly as a team, but I think we came together nicely, and it’s really a credit to the senior class, as least somewhat, because of how great of a group they are. I think there are a lot of high-character kids, and there are also some really good athletic kids, and a lot of that just translates overall into just being good kids. Overall, we’re really excited for this group and I’m looking forward to tonight. It’s going to be a really nice evening in a gym with a lot of history in it, so it’s going to be a fun evening,” said Steven McNabb, BNL Assistant Principal.

Graduate Michael Kidd took a moment in the middle of a hectic moment to pose for a photo and give some advice and final thoughts on high school.

“It’s very nice to graduate; I had fun. I’d do it again. My advice to everyone out there is to have fun in high school, and before you know it, you’ll be joining the Armed Forces.”

Graduate Chloe Fields shared her thoughts on the night: “It’s just great to be here with and celebrate with our whole graduating class and it’s just a beautiful moment for us.”

Another graduate, Garrett Willis, shared a profound thought: “Just make the most of it while it’s here.”
Lukas Hughes shares a special moment with friends.

Graduate Lukas Hughes shared his senior quote: “Screw you guys, I want to go home,” which was originally said by the cartoon character Eric Cartman on South Park.

Eli Benish poses with his mother, Bobbi Benish, for a celebratory photo.

One graduate, Eli Benish, decided to impart wisdom proven to be true before he walked out of the BNL doors for a final time: “Think before you speak.”

The Bedford North Lawrence High School class of 2024 may be historically significant, but they also prove to be unique. Congratulations, Seniors of the class of 2024!