BEDFORD – About 220 people attended the 2024 Bedford Lion’s Club Annual Youth Appreciation Program at the First Baptist Church Christian Life Center.

The honored youths, ranging in age from middle school to high school, were introduced by a representative from the organization from which they had been nominated and cited for each of their accomplishments, such as having high moral character, unselfishness, being aware of the feelings and needs of others, being the first to volunteer, being a good leader, serving as role models for other youth, and being a good solid citizen of whom our community can be proud of now and in the future. The nominating organizations were schools, youth groups, churches, and clubs.
Their families were also introduced, and their efforts to raise these outstanding kids were applauded.
For the past 29 years, the Bedford Lions Club has conducted this outstanding community project honoring 676 local youths, praising the kids for their many accomplishments, thanking the families for supporting such great children, and challenging the kids to set high goals, always do their best, and continue to help others throughout their entire lives.
The Youth Appreciation Project is an excellent way for the Lions to highlight the fine work done by the youth of our community. It is greatly needed since these dedicated kids rarely get any publicity for their outstanding deeds in our community.
Bedford Lions Club President Heather Wessell gave each youth a certificate stating they are “An Outstanding Youth Who Has Unselfishly Given Time and Talent for the Betterment of Our Community,” along with complimentary Pancake Festival tickets.
Each recipient is eligible to apply for the recently established “Lion Bill Morris Memorial Youth Appreciation Award Scholarship” awarded through the BNL Scholarship Foundation. Lion Morris was in charge of the Youth Appreciation Program for 50 years, first in the Optimist Club and then in the Lions Club until he died in 2020, when the Lions started contributing to this scholarship fund in his honor.

The following youths were honored:
- Sierra England and Ruby Riley from JC’s Christian Academy, presented by Chris Perry
- Irelande Michaud from Girl Scout Troop 03220 presented by Tiffany Ridge and Tiffany Todd
- Jaymee Reed, Isaiah Conner, and Jorj Filler from Between the Crowd, presented by Nick Mullis,
- Katarina Kwakye from Bedford First United Methodist Church, presented by Judi Early
- Dean Hillenburg and Caris Armstrong from Springville Community Academy, presented by Ashlie Kimmel, Emma Voris
- Asher Thompson from Bedford Middle School, presented by Kathy Tyree
- Grant Stephenson and Glorianna Roll from St Vincent de Paul School, presented by Spencer Wardlow
- Christopher Carroll and Macey Lambrecht from Lawrence County 4-H, presented by Lesley Lodmell
- Sydney Wykoff from BNL Renaissance, presented by Michelle Hurst
- Eezekial Allen and Raylin Ridge from Lawrence County Independent School, presented by Greg Baugh
- Jacob Hubbard and Temperance Thompson from Boy Scout Troop 332, presented by Anita Moore and Anne West
- Abby Keith and Josh Peek from Donica Church of God, presented by Angie McCullough
- Maddox Ray from North Lawrence Career Center, presented by Kristina Baker
- Innes Owens and Kandyn Rood from Tabernacle of Praise Church, presented by Charlie Tidd and Angie Tidd
- Kalandra Sears and Thomas Chiasson from Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence County, presented by Alex Smith
- Maddie Simmerman from PRD Inc, presented by Barb Morris, Claire Edwards
- Ben Voigtschild from Free Methodist Church, presented by Anita Moore
- Allie Mosier from Fayetteville Baptist Church, presented by Nathan Bailey.
To finish this great evening, the guest speaker, Nick Mullis from Between the Crowd, praised the parents and grandparents for raising these youth and thanked the youth for all they do to help others. He also thanked the members of the Bedford Lions Club for conducting this fine program for the community. He then challenged the youth to continue helping others for the rest of their lives.
Photos were taken during each presentation, and a group photo was taken at the end. They are accessible online at the Bedford Lions Club Facebook page.
The program concluded with a big group, ”Thank You,” led by the Lions Program Chair, Lion Barb Morris (Lion Bill Morris’s daughter). Then, everyone in attendance enjoyed some of the many tasty desserts served by the Lions.
The Lions Club’s motto is “We Serve.”