The Mitchell Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner is scheduled for April 18

MITCHELL- The Mitchell Chamber of Commerce annual dinner is Thursday, April 18, 2024 in the Mitchell Community Building located at 101 Tom Green Drive, Mitchell.

Each year the Mitchell Chamber recognizes the Business, Citizen, and Volunteer of the Year, who have made an incredible impact on our community. Our awards celebrate their leadership, honor their unique individual journey, and pay tribute to their dedication to making Mitchell a thriving community.

At 6:00 P.M. a social will start with welcome and dinner to follow at 6:30 P.M.

Tickets on sale now: $30.00 per person, to be paid in advance. Deadline is April 11, 2024.

Contact the Mitchell Chamber of Commerce by phone at 812-849-4441 (leave a message with your name, number of tickets to be reserved, and your contact number) or please email Mitchell to make your reservations. Tickets may also be purchased at the Chamber office, 533 W Main Street, Mitchell.

Payment method: Cash or check only

Reservation Form:  Click Here