North Lawrence Community Schools wins over $300,000 in grants

LAWRENCE CO. – At last night’s North Lawrence Community Schools regular board meeting, an announcement was made by NLCS Director of Curriculum Tricia Hudson as she publicly thanked Naomi Trojan at for her grant-writing work.

Mrs. Naomi Trojan, a sixth-grade teacher at Shawswick Elementary School, applied for the K-12 Robotics Competition Grant through the IDOE, which won NLCS a $37,451.06 grant for the NLCS Robotics program. She used to be the NLCS Robotics Coordinator, but retired earlier this year she said, because “all of my goals have been met.”

The Grant will help out Needmore, Dollens, Lincoln, Parkview, Shawswick, and BMS’s Robotics Teams for this year and next year.  

In addition, the second part of the grant was written with the hope to start a high school team at BNL by next school year. 

NLCS also won a Competitive Science of Reading Grant for $300,000 that must be spent by the end of the year in 2024. 

Lincoln Elementary robotics students Bryer Smith, Jasper Keithley, and Jaden Baldwin