You’re invited to River’s Edge Fellowship’s new sanctuary reveal Sunday, Nov. 19

BEDFORD – River’s Edge Fellowship Church, now located at 527 15th Street, is in the process of making
over its sanctuary. REFC has partnered with Michelle Inman to create a contemporary but classic design that will be relevant for years to come.

River’s Edge Fellowship Church

The final reveal will take place on Sunday, November 19th during the 10:00 a.m. worship service.

River’s Edge Fellowship Church was established in 2007 as “not your ordinary church” in a rented building. The congregation made the move north of the river in March 2013 by converting the old Hubler dealership into a church. In 2022 the decision was made to seek a “right size” space and an answer to prayer occurred for not only the church but also Guidepoint Church. Guidepoint was looking for a larger space and River’s Edge needed a smaller one. The building swap was completed in August 2023 and since then both congregations have been working on transforming their new spaces to meet their needs and better serve the community.

River’s Edge Fellowship Church strives to engage the community for Christ by loving God, loving people, growing, and serving together.

Pastor Zach Blackwell

Pastor Zach Blackwell and staff would like to extend a warm welcome to anyone who is looking for a church home and those who are curious about the Christian faith. All are welcome to check out this small but welcoming church on Sunday mornings, 10:00 a.m., at 527 15th Street.