Oolitic Facilities Repurposing Committee met for the last time

LAWRENCE CO. – The North Lawrence Community Schools Oolitic Facilities Repurposing Committee met last night to review the Executive Summary after last week’s meeting made changes to the draft, such as the wording of a passage for clarification.

An example involved the following clarification: Maturity levels of students based on the experience of someone who has taught for 30 years show that only 30% of elementary students are ready for middle school. The clarification was to note that the students are prepared academically, but not socially.

The amended wording of Oolitic Academy from Oolitic [Community] Academy to prevent the misconception that it was restricted to the Oolitic community instead of being open to the whole of NLCS was also a change that was made.

Minor typos were also edited.

Scott King presented the Executive Summary to the Committee to gain their approval of the contents, and to ensure due diligence was executed in discussing the items on the summary. The discussion was also to ensure committee members were comfortable presenting the document to the Superintendent.

The deadline is February at the latest for a decision on the repurposing of the Oolitic Facility.