USAF ROTC, Sheriffs’ Youth Ranch join ranks to host first aid, radio, leadership training

INDIANA – Indiana Sheriffs’ Youth Ranch leaders are expanding training opportunities at their 62-acre retreat this year by including college students and instructors from six nearby universities and colleges. 
U.S. Air Force ROTC cadre and upper classmen this semester utilized the rolling, wooded Clay County property to train younger cadets on first aid, radio communication, land navigation and leadership skills. 

“Fifty-one students and instructors from Indiana University, Indiana State University, Rose Hulman Institute of Technology, Wabash College, Vincennes University, and University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana conducted field training exercises free-of-charge just last weekend as part of ISYR’s continuing partnerships with higher education institutions,” said Vigo County Sheriff John Plasse. 
ISYR enjoys an ongoing relationship with ISU, especially among instructors and students in the School of Criminology and Security Studies, Plasse said. 

“Recruitment and retention of public servants is crucial right now for the safety and security of fellow Hoosiers and Americans,’ Plasse said. “Our Youth Ranch is dedicated to encouraging and growing young leaders’ interest in serving our state and nation.”

Plasse is an ISU alumnus and a highly decorated military and law enforcement officer. He serves as president of the ISYR board of directors