Make Memories – Let’s Go Fishing

INDIANA – The first day of fall is Sept. 23. Fall may feel like a short season, but you can enjoy every moment of it making memories fishing.

Enjoy a quiet moment casting by a lake as the fall colors reflect off the water.


Find your next fishing site.

Have a laugh with family and friends around the campfire while you wait for the fish to bite.


Find a camping spot near water, like Starve-Hollow State Recreation Area (pictured above).

Share the fun of catching a fish with someone new on the last Free Fishing Day of the season, Saturday, Sept. 23.

Free fishing

Find a Free Fishing Day event.

Cooler fall temperatures mean the fish will be coming in closer to shore and eating more as they prepare for winter. When the fish eat more, you have a better chance of catching a big one, like the smallmouth bass pictured below.


Fall is a great time to get outside fishing!

Buy your fishing license at

Information: Department of Natural Resources.