Tea time, hat-making, and croquet

BEDFORD – Thursday, the Bedford Public Library hosted its Mad Tea Party, arranged and set up by Cindy Guerrero, child and teen specialist at the BPL.

Jayda, 7, and Mia, 4, Wright pose for their mother Lindsey to take a picture with the giant card photo prop.

Fully booked, the event featured a host of activities, and a fun Alice-in Wonderland Theme. With a total of 41 attendees, half of which were children, the room was a mass of excited chatter and creativity.

Attendees were invited to paint tea cups in unique, special designs, play an old-fashioned game of Croquet, take part in tea, munch cupcakes, make funky paper hats, and listen to a Wonderland story.

Cindy reads to the assembled children during story time.
The children listening to the story.

Cindy began the evening by reading the Alice in Wonderland: Mad Hatter’s Tea Party by Jane Watson, and then the children were allowed to move from activity to activity as they pleased.

From left to right: 6yo Charlotte Heil, 6yo C.C. Miller, 4yo Anna Wood, and Everleigh Godsey, with Luna Godsey, 8yo, on the right.

The beautiful tea-cups were each unique and specific to each child as they reveled in the possibilities of color and design.

Some of the tea-cups set to dry while their owners crafted or played croquet.

While most of the kids didn’t really understand the rules of croquet, they definitely had a blast just knocking the balls around.

In light of the theme, Cindy laughingly said “I wish I had birds to use” instead of the mallets.

Wyler Salzmann, 9, asked if we were trying to steal her identity when WBIW requested her name.
Allie and David Caudille, nine and eight years old, work on their teacups.
“This IS a masterpiece” declared Haley Nicholson when asked to pose like she was creating a masterpiece. We love the confidence.

The room was decked out in wonderland-esque decor and appropriately-crafted card hoops for croquet.

The room bustled from 4 p.m. until 5 p.m., much tea was sipped, cupcakes devoured, and fun was had. keep an eye out for more events like these!