Add carbs to your diet before race day

BEDFORD – Preparing for a half marathon isn’t just about perfectly planning out your running and strength training schedule. It’s also about mastering your nutrition needs, and figuring out what to eat before your big race.

The best way to nail fueling for a half: Incorporate nutrition and hydration strategies during your training to solidify that you’ll be fully prepared come race day.

You might be wondering if it’s as necessary to carb-load before race day. The short answer is no, but you still want more carbs because you will most likely be running for less than three hours.

A mini carb-load prior to a half-marathon will still have a positive impact on your race performance. Technically speaking, carb-loading really comes into play any time you are out on the road for more than 90 minutes. But because it tends to lead to a bit of stiffness (because your muscles are fully stocked with glycogen) and water retention, it’s not recommended for events shorter than 90 minutes.

You can carb-load in as little as one day for a half marathon, but to prevent the worry of, “Am I taking in enough?” aim to start two to three days before race day.

Pasta and chicken

You don’t necessarily need to increase your calories just make sure the majority of those calories come from carbs, especially at lunch and dinner the day before race day. If you normally fill half your plate with vegetables, health experts suggest reducing that amount to about one-quarter to avoid any potential GI distress and increasing your grain portion size to about half of your plate. Go for rice or pasta to fill that half of your plate. You can fill the remainder of your plate with lean protein like chicken, beef, or fish.

Rice and chicken

The day before race day, have your main meal at midday and a smaller meal for dinner so you have plenty of time to digest. While you are at rest, your body will have adequate time and energy to absorb and store those nutrients you ate, and then you’ll be able to rely on this fuel for the following day.

Try a bowl of oatmeal topped with a sliced banana, nuts, and honey, or a bagel topped with nut butter and sliced banana, three hours before run time.

Registration fees vary on the event chosen and for each age bracket. There is also a credit card processing fee at the time of registration. The deadline to register for a free t-shirt is Tuesday, September 12 at 11:59 a.m.

Half Marathon8:05 a.m.

  • 15 and Older – $60
  • 14 and Under – $10
  • Ainsley’s Angels Pushers/Runners – $55

5K 8:10 a.m.

  • 15 and Older – $30
  • 14 and Under – $10
  • Ainsley’s Angels Pushers/Runners – $25

1 Mile Walk8:15 a.m.

  • 15 and Older – $20
  • 14 and Under – $10

To register click here.

There is no fee for the riders involved with Ainsley’s Angels and they will be the first group to go at the start of the race at 8 a.m.

9th Annual Limestone Capital Half Marathon Expo

Come join the fun during the 9th Annual Limestone Capital Half Marathon Expo provided to you by Bedford Federal Savings on Friday, October 6th from 4 p.m. until 6 p.m. at the Milwaukee Depot building on the corner of J and 14th streets.

One of the best-kept secrets is the pre-race expo where runners pick up bibs and a swag bag. These swag bags often feature vendors and exhibitors who hawk the latest fitness gear, offer health and fitness tips, and most importantly, unload free loot. You also get to meet and speak to those participating in the big race.

All registrants should come by the expo Friday afternoon and pick up their race packet, bag, and t-shirt. Free grab-and-go refreshments will be provided like yogurt, cupcakes, fruit, and granola bars.

WQRK 105.5 Indiana Classic Hits will be providing music and photo opportunities.

Be sure to register for a chance to win free prizes, register for the race, or take your photo. All happening Friday 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. at the Depot.

Registration for the Limestone Capital Half Marathon, 5K, & 1 Mile Walk brought to by McIntyre Brothers is open for those interested in signing up for the 9th annual event on Saturday, October 7th. To register