Youth First, Inc. receives $34,000 from Hoosier Uplands Economic Development Corporation

LAWRENCE CO. – Youth First, Inc., a leading nonprofit that transforms and strengthens the lives of young people and their families by providing Master’s level mental health professionals in area schools and prevention programs for youth and families, received a $34,000 grant from Hoosier Uplands Economic Development Corporation. The grant will support students and families in Lawrence and Orange counties for the upcoming school year. 

Last year alone, over 1,200 Mitchell, Orleans, Paoli, and Springs Valley students had access to Youth First social work services and received doses of preventative education focused on healthy decision-making and important life skills.

Hoosier Uplands has been an instrumental growth partner for Youth First since 2019, and their continued support ensures that students are equipped with the resources and coping skills they need to succeed.

David Miller

David L. Miller, Chief Executive Officer of Hoosier Uplands, says, “Hoosier Uplands is committed to a partnership with Youth First because providing young people with mental health support and social services is needed now more than ever. We have a responsibility to help the public we serve, and we know Youth First is making a difference.”

Youth First embeds prevention programs and 87 skilled mental health professionals in 112 school buildings across 12 Indiana counties, where they become specialized mentors for students and prevention coaches for parents and teachers. Youth First Mental Health Professionals build caring relationships, foster readiness for positive change, and boost resiliency along with other valuable life skills.

Research shows that building these protective factors in young people is essential to preventing addiction and reducing the risk of violence, suicide, and similar tragic outcomes. The organization’s positive work and strategies are driving growth, with more schools seeking Youth First’s help to address the growing need for mental health support for students.