Learn about Monarch butterflies at Otis Park

BEDFORD – If you’ve ever wanted to know more about monarch butterflies and how to help save these amazingly beautiful creatures that bring so much color to our landscapes and migrate across a continent, Robyn Embry will present a program at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, August 10.

Land of Limestone Master Gardeners and the Bedford Park Department are sponsoring the monarch butterfly program in August at the Otis Park Bath House.

A Monarch Butterfly

Robyn Embry, a science teacher at Mitchell High School, has a long interest in butterflies and pollinators that she enjoys sharing with others. Embry has attended special training sessions on the subject and brings a wealth of information on the topic to share. Her program will be 45-50 minutes and she welcomes questions.

The historic Otis Park Bath House is located between the Red Brick Mansion and the Golf Course office at 607 Tunnelton Road east of Bedford.

After her program, the Master Gardeners will hold their monthly meeting which anyone who might be interested in gardening is welcome to stay for and learn more about the projects the local gardeners are working on and how they can help.

For more information on the program contact Susan Schershel at 812-278-4166.