Donations help to protect Indiana’s rare and endangered wildlife

INDIANA – As the Nongame Wildlife Fund kicks off 2023 and continues working to protect Indiana’s rare and endangered wildlife for future generations, they reflected on how big of an impact individuals have made on conservation efforts in Indiana.

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The State Wildlife Grant program, authorized by Congress in 2000, provides federal monies for programs to benefit fish and wildlife species before they become threatened or endangered. These funds are made available as grants to eligible states based on their population and land area.

The Nongame Wildlife Fund, established by the Indiana General Assembly in 1982, is a dedicated fund for rare and endangered wildlife conservation in Indiana. It provides the state with matching funds needed for the DFW to receive federal grants. 

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In 2022, more than $22,000 was raised for the Indiana Nongame Wildlife Fund. This unlocked nearly $41,000 in additional federal dollars which will be used in conservation work here in Indiana. In addition, countless volunteers donate their time and knowledge to fish and wildlife management efforts and projects throughout the state.

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Even more partners with Indiana’s fish, wildlife, and natural resources efforts and shared content, spreading the word about conservation needs across Indiana.

Your donations, engagement, volunteerism, and partnership help officials to be better stewards of the environment.

How to donate:
1. On your Indiana state taxes. If filing with paper forms, use Schedule 5/Schedule IN-Donate. If donating through online tax programs, you will be prompted to donate at the end of filing, the eagle logo will not be present.
2. Donate online with Visa, MasterCard, or Discover. The form is secure.
3. Via mail. Fill out this form and send it with your check or money order to:
Indiana Nongame Wildlife Fund
402 W. Washington St. Rm. W273
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Find out more information about fish and wildlife management in Indiana at