MPH Leads Efforts In Release Of COVID-19 Cases By ZIP Code Map, Datasets

(INDIANAPOLIS) – Earlier in June, Indiana Management Performance Hub debuted a map visualization online that shows COVID-19 cases by Indiana ZIP codes.

“We are excited to provide this information, as many organizations have been asking for this to help address local response,” said Josh Martin (@INDataJMartin), Indiana Chief Data Officer and MPH Director.

The COVID-19 Cases by ZIP dataset is available on the Indiana Data Hub along with eight other COVID-19 related datasets. (View data on the Hub).

The Cases By ZIP Code Map breaks down the positive test counts by ZIP code throughout the states. If there are less than five cases in a ZIP or less than 1,500 total population, the information is suppressed. There are also filters to show the top 50 ZIP codes for African Americans and the top 50 ZIP codes for Latinos based on 2010 census data.