Rockville Correctional Facility Caseworker Retires

(ROCKVILLE) – Rockville Correctional Facility (RCF) Warden Julie Stout and her fellow staff are pleased to congratulate Milinda Wright, Caseworker for the Purposeful Living Units Serve…

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Ice Cream Sundae Is A Welcomed ‘Thank You’

(CARLISLE) – Like other organizations, be they government or private businesses, employees are the backbone of any operation. That’s certainly true for the Indiana Department…

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Five Legislative Principles Help Ensure Small Businesses Have Necessary Resources for Recovery

(INDIANAPOLIS) – As small businesses continue efforts to re-open and Congress and the Administration prepare the next phase of legislation, The National Federation of Independent Business…

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June Indiana Employment Report

(INDIANAPOLIS) – Indiana’s unemployment rate drops to 11.2 percent for June, and the national rate is 11.1 percent. The monthly unemployment rate is a U.S. Bureau of…

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AG Curtis Hill Supports Title IX Rule That Provides Students Due Process

(INDIANAPOLIS) – Attorney General Curtis Hill Friday joined a coalition with 14 other state attorneys general in support of a Title IX rule that protects…

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Wabash Valley Correctional Facility Offenders Tend Garden To Help Local Communities

(CARLISLE) – Each year offenders at the Wabash Valley Correctional Facility (WVCF) volunteer their time tending the garden that yields thousands of pounds of produce…

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Indiana Region Of The American Red Cross Calls For Volunteers In Face Covering Initiative

(INDIANAPOLIS) — The Indiana Region of the American Red Cross is looking for people to help sew and distribute face coverings during the COVID-19 pandemic….

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Donations Equip Two Indiana State Police Dogs With Ballistic Vests

(EVANSVILLE) – An Evansville woman has made it her mission to help raise money to equip area police dogs with ballistic vests. In October 2019,…

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Indiana Destination Development Corporation Established, Board Appointed

(INDIANAPOLIS) – Effective July 1, the Indiana Office of Tourism Development (IOTD) evolved into the newly created Indiana Destination Development Corporation (IDDC). The Indiana State Legislature created the…

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Fiscal Leaders Release Year-End Report

(INDIANAPOLIS) — In outlining Indiana’s 2020 Year-End Report, which highlights the state’s fiscal year ending June 30, 2020, Auditor of State Tera Klutz, CPA, announced Indiana ended…

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