Father and son teams serve together during solar eclipse

BEDFORD – Lawrence County Fire Territory crews worked double crews during the solar eclipse on Monday.

Pictured right to left Kyle Brown and his father Chief Robert Brown, Keith Brown and his son Austin Brown.

Full-paid crews were at Station 11 and Station 12.

It was the first time father and son crews worked together.

Chief Robert Brown and his son Kyle Brown worked together. Chief Brown has more than 43 years of fire service, while Kyle Brown has served 22 years.

Keith Brown and his son Austin Brown worked together.

Keith Brown has 36 years of service, and Austin Brown has 15 years.

Between the four men, there are 116 years of fire service.

Austin and Kyle have been working for the department since they were 16. Watching their fathers on scenes at a young age made them want to follow in their footsteps and serve their community,