Residents are invited to give input on the High Street Multiuse Project

BLOOMINGTON –The City of Bloomington today announced a second public input meeting for the High Street Intersection Modernizations and Multiuse Path project.

Residents are invited to learn more about the project and provide input on design options on April 2, from 6:00 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. at Christ Community Church, 503 South High Street.  

The project will install a multi-use path along the east side of High Street from Arden Drive to Hunter Avenue, replace/modernize the existing traffic signals within the project limits, and install other improvements within the corridor. 

The red line in the image above shows the project limits.

The project’s first public meeting was held in April 2023 to provide high-level details and gather input regarding design options. This second public meeting will provide detailed information about the project and gather additional input before progressing toward the final design. Construction is tentatively expected to begin in 2026.

The High Street project is listed in the City’s Transportation Plan and was prioritized by the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) to utilize federal funding for design and construction. The City Council prioritized the project’s local match funding through a 2022 general obligation bond.

Additional information and future updates will be posted on the project website, which will also include an online comment form and updated project graphics in advance of the meeting.

Public Meeting Details:

DATE: April 2nd, 2024

TIME: 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

LOCATION: Christ Community Church, 503 S High Street