The Bedford Public Library is your quiet home away from home

Bedford- The Bedford Public Library offers a wide variety of resources and services to our community through educational programs, research media, and a vast array of reading material. With all these things in place, the Library wanted to offer something more dynamic to the space and created a new area for people to enjoy and work in while enjoying coffee or refreshments in what has been named “The Commons”.

The Commons at the Bedford Public Library

“The Commons is intended to be your third place. Other than home or work, a place where you can come to have a coffee and get things done away from the office,” said Nathan Watson, Director of the Bedford Public Library, who took his time to provide a tour of the facility and The Commons. The area has a different vibe than the rest of the library. Coffee is provided from 9-11 a.m. every morning and you can enjoy beverages anytime in the Commons.

Nathan Watson, Director of the Bedford Public Library

He also touted an area meant to encourage teens to read and spin some vinyl, themed to what seems like the idyllic 1970’s garage scene. “We wanted an area designated for teens that would be a little different from the rest of the library,” he added.

The seventies-themed teen area of the Bedford Public Library

The library has a schedule of events and much more at