Monroe County Democrats appoint John Fernandez to Election Board

BLOOMINGTON — The Monroe County Democratic Party Chair David G. Henry has named John Fernandez as Democratic representative to the Monroe County Election Board.

David Henry

Henry has served as a Democratic Member and Election Board President in 2023. He resigned in
December to pursue his party’s nomination for County Council at Large in the 2024 Democratic
Primary. Henry remains Chairman of the Monroe County Democratic Party.

John Fernandez

John Fernandez is the former Mayor of Bloomington (1995-2003) and former Assistant Commerce Secretary in the Obama Administration. He currently serves as executive vice president for Innovation & Strategic Partnerships at the Dimension Mill. He has served on the Election Board as a proxy in 2023.

“On behalf of our Democratic Community, I thank John for filling this crucial role ahead of the 2024 election,” Henry said. “Having experienced public servants at the helm of our elections will
help guide us through what we all hope is a smooth election season for our whole community.”