Climate Action Town Hall connecting Bloomington and Palo Alto

BLOOMINGTON – Can two cities 2,000 miles apart pull together to address our climate issues? Should they? What different challenges do they face? Where has each made progress? What can Bloomington, Indiana, and Palo Alto, California, learn from each other? 

Share your answers to those questions with members of both communities at our Climate Action Town Hall. 

The event will be held on Sunday, December 3, from 4 p.m. until 6 p.m. ET. at the Monroe County Public Library, in Room 2B/C, at 303 E Kirkwood Ave, in Bloomington. 

Please register at Eventbrite. 

The conversations are in-person in both communities, with live video connections between the cities.

The event will include an overview of climate action in each city from journalists Rebecca Thiele in Bloomington and Sherry Listgarten in Palo Alto and project updates from climate leaders Debbie Mytels in Palo Alto and Kirstin Milks in Bloomington, followed by a moderated dialog between participants in each city.


The Cities of Bloomington, IN, and Palo Alto, CA, are the first Sibling Cities in a national project that opens meaningful dialog between communities in different parts of the country.  As part of the Sibling Cities USA initiative, a town hall series was held during the Fall of 2023. The final one, scheduled for December 3, focuses on Climate Action.

Want to join the discussion? Ready to listen with curiosity and empathy? Want to understand what people in Palo Alto think about climate action? Want to share your views and build friendship, trust, and respect across the miles?  Knitting this country back together is essential, and you’re invited to be part of the solution. 

For more information about this initiative, contact the Director of Sibling Cities USA, Vicki Veenker at or Bloomington project coordinator, Alain Barker at