Sheriff’s Youth Ranch changes weekend event schedule

BRAZIL – Out of concern for the comfort, health, and safety of young goblins, sponsors, volunteers, and other visitors, the Indiana Sheriffs’ Youth Ranch will cancel this weekend’s pumpkin painting party and postpone the youth cabin ribbon cuttings and peace chapel groundbreaking until spring due to expected rain and wind. 

Scott minier ISYR Exectutive director

 “We’re sorry for this development, but forecasts call for an 80 percent chance of rain and wind on Sunday, the day of our Grandparents’ Day celebration. Sheriffs and deputies are committed to thinking of the well-being of others and preserving our scarce ISYR resources,” said Scott Minier, ISYR executive director. 

Minier said the decision must be made now to allow time to notify participants and to prevent incurring additional costs involving food, drinks, candy, tents, chairs, tables, portable restrooms, buses, and signage.