Redevelopment Commission approves payments as new police station nears completion

BEDFORD – With the open house for the Bedford Police Department’s new police station just next week, the Redevelopment Commission approved payment for some finishing touches to the station.

Racking in at a total of $153,454.44 for all of the individual costs, the breakdown is as follows:

  • $70,569.44 to Midwestern Engineer Inc. Fox Construction
  • $315 for Firewall Failoever Configuration/Testing; checking ethernet jacks for functionality
  • $70 for IDACS Labor
  • $82,500 for Electronic Communications systems and 911 dispatch center furniture purchases.
    • Dispatch furniture includes lifts, monitor supports for monitors, cabinets, and power poles.

These installations leave little remaining for the new station. According to Police Chief Terry Moore, it’s nearly 99% complete, which means it should be ready for visitation for next week’s scheduled open house.