Attention BNL Freshman: Get free tickets to tomorrow’s game

BEDFORD – The Bedford North Lawrence High School Renaissance will be hosting the Freshman Tailgate tomorrow night, Friday, September 8, kicking off at 5:30 p.m.

This is a great event to celebrate BNL’s Class of 2027 Freshmen. They will be grilling out hamburgers and hotdogs, tailgate activities, and of course a great time with friends.

The tailgate will kick off at 5.30 p.m. in the BNL Cafe.
Parents can drop off their students in the bus circle near the cafe.

This event is only open to freshmen. It is free to attend, with free food, and freshmen who attend the tailgate will get into the football game for free.

Freshmen will be able to get their tailgate tickets during lunch periods on Friday.