LCIS builds a new bench in their outdoor classroom

LCIS Trailhead behind the school, formerly Fayetteville Elementary.

LAWRENCE CO. – This week, the Lawrence County Independent Schools had help building a new bench to replace one that needed work in their outdoor classroom.

The LCIS outdoor classroom is set in a small glade right off the school trail, featuring benches arranged in amphitheater style. The old platform/stage that used to face the seats was torn down as a safety hazard due to the rotten wood.

Thanks to the Couch Family, Mrs. Weir, and 8th-grade student Holly Leahy, a sturdy, brand new bench sits ready for use just off the school trail.

The new bench, noticeable for its fresh wood and sturdy construction, sits next to its older counterparts.
A top view of the new bench and remaining lumber from construction.

This update is one of many that LCIS is making to restore and improve the trail as a whole. A work day saw volunteers clearing the trail of debris and beginning a new trail to branch off the old one.

This coming week, students will assist as Trine visits LCIS, one of their charter schools, to help clear the trail.

This clearing will begin on Tuesday after lunch during the STEAM period for the students, serving as their technical hands-on experience and a healthy break from academics to enjoy and learn about the outdoors.

The back entry to the trail.

The clearing will entail the removal of roots, the smoothing of the path, removing debris, and adding mulch to provide a smoother, more accessible trail that even wheelchair users can enjoy.

LCIS continues to thrive and improve both academically and regarding functionality, and these changes are just one element.