Commissioners change speed limit on Leatherwood Road

BEDFORD – On August 8th Sheriff Day and Highway Superintendent Brandi Webb conducted traffic studies on multiple roads where officials received requests or complaints about stop signs or speed limits.

Sheriff Greg Day presented that highway study to the Lawrence County Commissioners and they adopted an ordinance Tuesday morning.

  • Leatherwood Road, from Shawswick School Road to Standish Steel Road, should have a posted speed limit of 35 miles per hour due to the narrow roadway, sharp curves, and several driveway access.
  • A stop sign will be placed at the intersection of BJ Boulevard and Corrie Lane. Upon entering Hillside Estates Corrie Lane turns into BJ Boulevard which is a circular housing addition road that intersects back. This is an intersection with no clear right of way. A stop sign will make this intersection controlled as safely as the other two intersections.

The Lawrence County Highway Department will post the appropriate signage at these locations as soon as possible.