Tips to Run Your Best at the 9th Annual Limestone Capital Half Marathon, 5K, & 1 Mile Walk

BEDFORD – A 5K is a great way to challenge yourself to reach your goals. Whether you are looking to increase your speed or finish your first race, the 5K (3.1 miles) is a great distance to push yourself a bit, and most importantly, have fun.

Registration for the Limestone Capital Half Marathon, 5K, & 1 Mile Walk brought to by McIntyre Brothers is open for those interested in signing up for the 9th annual event on Saturday, October 7th.

All races will start and finish in front of the Milwaukee Depot on the corner of 14th and J Street and include a challenging course that only southern Indiana can offer. 

For runners new to running, it is sometimes difficult to know what to expect in a 5K race, and for more experienced runners, it is easy to be dismissive of your training or train the same way as you would for a longer race.

Here are five tips to help you reach the finish line, hit those goals, and run your best 5K:

Establish a baseline – Before jumping right into running or setting a goal and training for a 5K race, it is important to know what you are working with. Beginner runners should not worry about the kilometers or miles they run but rather focus on the amount of time they can run continuously. Every run (no matter how fast or slow) makes a difference and helps you work towards that final goal.

Set a goal and work toward it – Once you’ve established your base-level goal it’s helpful to set a goal for your race. Whether that is to finish, to set a new personal best, or just simply to get out there and celebrate being a part of the running community, every goal requires some degree of preparation. A training plan is an extremely helpful way to help keep yourself on track and ensure that you are progressing.

Don’t forget your core – Running is about more than just running! Developing a strong core and other supporting muscles can help prevent injury and allow you to run faster during those all-important speed workouts. Incorporating even just a few strengthening exercises into your routine can make a huge difference and come in handy on race day as your body is more fatigued at the end of the race. Some favorites include planks, bridges, and lunges. 

Warm-up and cool down -It may seem counter-intuitive to beginner runners to get your heart pumping before you run can make a world of difference! The most important thing is to make sure your muscles and joints are ready to go and your mind is prepared to take on the workout ahead. Skipping or light jogging can be great but mixing it up with dynamic stretches is even better. Arm circles, trunk circles, and ankle rotations are all great exercises to help release the fluid that helps lubricate your joints. After your workout, your body will thank you for taking the time to stretch out a little and thank it for all the hard work you just accomplished. Leg swings are great for maintaining hip mobility and shaking out the legs and some light static stretching will make a difference as you get closer and closer to race day and you are running further and more regularly.

Pace yourself and have fun – Whether you are a seasoned expert or brand new to running, it is easy to get caught up in all the excitement and emotion at the start of a race. Remember to stick to your plan, take deep breaths, and run your race!

To register to run or walk in the Limestone Capital Half Marathon, 5K, & 1 Mile Walk click here.

Registration fees vary on the event chosen and for each age bracket. There will be a $5 fee increase if you register after September 1 for the adult races. There is also a credit card processing fee at the time of registration.

Half Marathon8:05 a.m.

  • 15 and Older – $55 – After Sept. 1 – $60
  • 14 and Under – $10
  • Ainsley’s Angels Pushers/Runners – $55

5K 8:10 a.m.

  • 15 and Older – $25 – After Sept. 1 – $30
  • 14 and Under – $10
  • Ainsley’s Angels Pushers/Runners – $25

1 Mile Walk8:15 a.m.

  • 15 and Older – $15 After Sept. 1 $20
  • 14 and Under – $10

To register click here.

There is no fee for the riders involved with Ainsley’s Angels and they will be the first group to go at the start of the race at 8 a.m.

Limestone Capital Half Marathon Expo

Come join the fun during the 9th Annual Limestone Capital Half Marathon Expo provided to you by Bedford Federal Savings on Friday, October 6th from 4 p.m. until 6 p.m. at the Milwaukee Depot building on the corner of J and 14th streets.

One of the best-kept secrets is the pre-race expo where runners pick up bibs and a swag bag. These swag bags often feature vendors and exhibitors who hawk the latest fitness gear, offer health and fitness tips, and most importantly, unload free loot. You also get to meet and speak to those participating in the big race.

All registrants should come by the expo Friday afternoon and pick up their race packet, bag, and t-shirt. Free grab-and-go refreshments will be provided like yogurt, cupcakes, fruit, and granola bars.

WQRK 105.5 Indiana Classic Hits will be providing music and photo opportunities.

Be sure to register for a chance to win free prizes, register for the race, or take your photo. All happening Friday 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. at the Depot.