‘Unsung hero’ paramedic dies after giving birth

SCOTT CO. – Devonnia Tscheulin, the Paramedic Deputy Chief Director of Scott County EMS in Scottsburg, Indiana, died Tuesday, Aug. 14. She was 34. She had been airlifted to an Indianapolis hospital after giving birth to her third child, Maverick, said her husband, Michael Tschuelin.

Devonnia Tscheulin

Tscheulin was employed with Scott County EMS since 2010 and was promoted to deputy director in 2017.

Nicholas Oleck, the chief of Scott County EMS, called Tschuelin “one of the most important people” in his life. “She was a joyful soul who could light up a room without trying,” Oleck said in a Facebook post. “She made a presence without speaking, she made an impact without trying. I took her soul for granted because of everything she was capable of, and made it look easy.”

Also referred to as “the biggest unsung hero” in the department, Tschuelin formerly was a member of the Washington County Ambulance Service.

Funeral services will be held Saturday, Aug. 19, in Scottsburg, Tschuelin’s hometown.