Bedford Altrusa Club assembled book bags for students

BEDFORD – The Bedford Altrusa Club met on August 14, 2023, at The Mixing Bowl.  The meeting was called to order by President Bill Barnes. 

The Pledge of Allegiance and the Altrusa Grace were delivered. 

Loretta Bailey reported that magazines were delivered to the nursing homes in July and August. Members need to bring more magazines to the next meeting. 

A motion was made and passed to restart bingo with light snacks and drinks at the Hauck House.  Becky Bailey said it will possibly be held in October. 

Patty Kirkman volunteered to work at the museum on the first Tuesday in September.

Mary Barnes gave the secretary’s report and Sara Kern the treasurer’s report.  Both reports were approved as read. 

Jo Ann Behringer was a guest of Sara Harp.  A motion was made to give Susie Turner $20 to purchase children’s books at the Bedford Library book sale.  These books will be placed in the Altrusa Lending Library at Avoca. 

President Bill Barnes reported the Altrusa Club received a Distinguished Club Award.

After the meal provided by Kathleen Row and Sara Kern, members assembled book bags of crayons, coloring books, and reading books for Head Start and Playful Pathways Preschool. 

Altrusa members Jennie Edwards and Mary Gabbard preparing some of the 232 Head Start and Playful Pathway book bags

There were a total of 232 bags prepared. 

  • Bedford – 84 students (6 classrooms, 14 per class)
  • Mitchell:  28 students (2 classrooms, 14 per class)
  • Playful Pathways with 120 students (6 classrooms, 15 per class: 1 classroom with 10 students).

The club will have a pitch-in at the next meeting on September 11, 2023, at the Mixing Bowl.  Anyone interested in finding out more about Altrusa can contact Becky Bailey at 812-583-0961 or