Adjust your lifestyle during this heat wave

INDIANA – Adjusting your lifestyle during this heat wave is necessary. In fact, it could save your life, according to Emergency Management Directors for Lawrence County Valerie Luchauer and Greene County Roger Axe.

“All across the nation we are seeing people with heat exposure needing medical treatment and some have died. Curtailing outdoor activity until the heat wave passes is a must, especially for persons at risk like those with medical conditions,” added Axe.

Let the grass grow or the grass could be growing over your plot in the cemetery.

“Stay in an air-conditioned indoor location as much as you can,” added Luchauer. “Drink plenty of fluids even if you don’t feel thirsty. Keeping hydrated is a must. Schedule outdoor activities carefully.”

It is also important to avoid caffeine drinks like coffee, tea, and cola since caffeine will dehydrate you.

People at greatest risk for heat-related illness can take the following protective actions to prevent illness or death:

  • Stay in air-conditioned buildings as much as you can. Air conditioning is the number one way to protect yourself against heat-related illness and death. If your home is not air-conditioned, reduce your risk for heat-related illness by spending time in public facilities that are air-conditioned and using air conditioning in vehicles. Contact your local health department or locate an air-conditioned shelter in your area.
  • Do not rely on a fan as your main cooling device during an extreme heat event.
  • Drink more water than usual and don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink.
  • Check on a friend or neighbor and have someone do the same for you.
  • Don’t use the stove or oven to cook—it will make you and your house hotter.

Also adjusting your consumption of energy is necessary not to strain the power grid.

Off-peak times are from 9:00 p.m. until 5:00 a.m. Try washing and drying clothes during that time. Also eating cold meals and using the microwave rather than the stove not only cuts down on heat in the home
but saves electricity which keeps strain off the power grid.

“We ask you to make these adjustments to keep the power grid up and most of all so you will be around and enjoy the cool weather coming.” Axe added.