Are we hazard prone? Indiana’s most googled injuries

INDIANA – New research has discovered the most Googled injuries in Indiana, with concussion taking the top spot.

Personal injury attorneys Injured in Florida analyzed the number of average monthly Google searches in each state for different injuries, including terms such as ‘X symptoms’ and ‘signs of a X’. The search volume for each term combined with the injuries were added together to discover the total average monthly searches in each state.

These are the most Googled injuries in Indiana:

2Sprained Ankle
5Rib Fracture

#1. Concussion

Concussions, which are a mild form of traumatic brain injury, can be caused by falls, playing a contact sport, vehicle accidents, or being hit with an object resulting in a blow to the head. The effects of this injury include confusion, headaches, dizziness, and nausea; in mild cases, these will last up to two weeks – but more severe injuries can see symptoms lasting for months.

#2. Sprained Ankle

Also known as a soft tissue injury, a sprained ankle occurs when the ligaments are overstretched and tear due to a direct blow. Falls that cause your ankle to twist, landing improperly on your foot after jumping, or another person landing on your foot are just some of the many incidents that can cause an ankle sprain, resulting in swelling, bruising, and even difficulty walking. The healing process for a sprained ankle can take up to six weeks, which requires lots of rest, including time away from intense sports activities.

#3. Burn

While burn injuries can be typically caused by flames, hot liquids, hot objects, and electrical burns, their severity level can vary; burns are categorized by first-degree, second-degree, and third-degree, with the latter being potentially life-threatening. If a burn is larger than three inches, covering hands, joints, or face, or is painless, it’s essential to seek emergency help immediately – otherwise, run cold water over the burn and keep it clean.

#4. Degloving

When the top layers of skin are torn away, leaving muscle or bone exposed, this is known as degloving; with open degloving, the skin can hang near the wound as opposed to closed degloving where the skin can remain intact. Degloving injuries are severe and can be life-threatening due to significant blood loss. Animal bites, falls from heights, and road accidents can cause degloving injuries, with the affected areas usually being the legs or torso. For open degloving injuries, which are more serious, treatment can consist of skin grafts and amputation, with closed degloving treatment including physical therapy or removing dead tissue.

#5. Rib Fracture

A rib fracture is a broken rib that can result from a sports injury, road accident, or even severe coughing. Signs of a rib fracture can include chest pain when inhaling, swelling or tenderness around the ribs and bruising; recovery typically includes lots of rest, with broken ribs having the ability to self-heal within six weeks. However, surgery can be necessary in instances where the injury results in damage to your internal organs.

A spokesperson from Injured in Florida has commented: “Injuries happen when we least expect them, so it can be stressful and overwhelming when one occurs while lacking knowledge on the steps to take. Fortunately, the data suggests which injuries are most common in each state – and by understanding the symptoms, medical help can be sought as urgently as possible.”

“However, it’s crucial to always seek the advice of a professional, even if you feel confident about the injury; treatment of injuries can vary depending on the severity, so not seeking medical help urgently can cause the injury to worsen and delay the healing process.”