June Park Program features a stroll through Bedford’s Northside Historic District

BEDFORD – The June Park Program will be a little different than usual. This program involves a guided stroll through Bedford’s Northside Historic District. Participants will meet Tuesday, June 27 at 6 p.m. at the Episcopal Church at 1219 14th Street in Bedford. From the church, the group will be divided into groups, assigned a guide, and walk through the neighborhood.

The neighborhood walk will discuss many of the houses as we walk by while stopping at other houses to have their owners give more information on the history of the homes they love.  

The Northside Historic District contains some of Bedford’s finest old homes, many are limestone or with limestone features and have fascinating stories.

Marla Jones, Lawrence County Historian, and Teena Ligman have worked together to put together information on this neighborhood which dates to the late 19th and early 20th century. The beautiful homes along these streets reflect the economic prosperity brought by the limestone industry.

The large homes and the wide, tree-lined streets contribute to the neighborhood’s distinctive character. The entire walk will be 8-10 blocks, with many stops along the way. The program may take 1.5 hours to complete.

Please RSVP for the program by June 26 so the leaders know how many people to expect by calling 812-275-5692 or emailing gdorsett@bedford.in.us.

Mark your calendars for the July 25th Park Program at The Lick Creek Branch Settlement. This program will be presented by Tesa Villalobos and Marian Mason from the Hoosier National Forest at the Otis Park Bath House.