Indiana Upland students and industry leaders attend second annual Uplands Made conference

BROWN CO. – On April 25, 100 Indiana Uplands students from eight high schools gathered along with 50 school educators, administrators, and industry leaders in Brown County for the second annual Uplands Made student-run business conference.

At the event, students toured Eagle Manufacturing’s new facility, showcased their products, and led presentations on screen printing, production management, sales, and more. ProShop co-founder Paul Van Metre gave the keynote at this year’s conference. His company donates the ProShop software to Eagle Manufacturing that they use to fulfill and track orders. Former President, Chief Executive Officer, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Eli Lilly and Company John Lechleiter addressed students and their advisers in the afternoon. Lechleiter and his wife along with the White Oak Foundation funded Brown County’s Eagle Manufacturing expansion.

Thank you to the sponsors and organizers that made this event possible: Big Woods, Brown County Schools, Eagle Manufacturing, Career Resource Center of Brown County, and the Brown County Chamber of Commerce.

Information: Regional Opportunity Initiatives