Sherwood Oaks Christian Church hosting preschool open house on April 27, registration open now

BEDFORD – Those looking for a preschool option for their children ages 2-4 could consider Bedford’s Sherwood Oaks Christian Church, which will begin classes on Aug. 14.

Classes will run Monday-Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., with a teacher-to-student ratio of 1:4 – 1:8 depending on the age of the class.

Age-based classroom options are:

Two-Year-Olds (turning 2 before August 1st)

  • Tuesday and Thursday, 8:30 am to 11:30 am

Three-Year-Olds (turning 3 before August 1st)

  • Monday and Wednesday, 8:30 am to 11:30 am

Pre-K (turning 4 before August 1st)

  • Monday through Thursday, 8:30 am to 11:30 am

There will be an open house at the campus, located at 508 Fellowship Dr., Bedford, where those interested can tour the facility, speak with director Karla Holck and have any questions answered.

The registration form can be accessed here.

A typical day for students entails:

Arrival and opening:

Children are greeted by their teachers and begin by engaging in creative processes. They will then transition into morning activities consisting of prayer, self-selection, writing readiness for 3 and 4-year-olds, conversations about what will be happening in our day, and selected group activities.

Circle Time:

In addition to the opening, this time includes Bible stories, songs, memory verses, calendar time, weather, job assignments for the week, sign language finger plays, and other teacher lead activities.

Readiness/Craft Time:

This small group time for 3 and 4-year-olds focuses on letter, number, and shape reinforcements. The children will begin to work on reading and writing skills. This is also a time for drawing, painting, cutting, gluing, creating, and constructing with numerous kinds of craft materials.

Snack Time:

Prayer will begin at snack time. The children enjoy a healthy snack and a cup of water as they interact with their classmates.

Physical Fitness Time:

Daily outdoor and/or gym play is an essential part of our preschool morning.

Learning Centers:

This is supervised play time providing opportunities for dramatic play, building, art and science explorations, and social interaction.

Special Activities:

In addition to regular daily activities, they also will try to include many special celebrations throughout the year. We will have classroom parties for Pumpkin Day, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Easter. Teachers may include pajama days and other celebrations. From time to time, they may have special guests visit the students such as firefighters, police officers, or other community helpers.

Children are greeted by their teachers and begin by engaging in creative processes. They transition into morning activities consisting of prayer, self-selection, writing readiness for 3 and 4-year-olds, conversations about what will be happening in their day, and selected group activities.

Circle Time:

In addition to the opening, this time includes Bible stories, songs, memory verses, calendar time, weather, job assignments for the week, sign language finger plays, and other teacher lead activities.

Readiness/Craft Time:

This small group time for 3 and 4-year-olds focuses on letter, number, and shape reinforcements. The children will begin to work on reading and writing skills. For all our students it is also a time for drawing, painting, cutting, gluing, creating, and constructing with numerous kinds of craft materials.

Snack Time:

Prayer will begin at snack time. The children enjoy a healthy snack and a cup of water as they interact with their classmates.

Physical Fitness Time:

Daily outdoor and/or gym play will be an essential part of the preschool morning.

Learning Centers:

This is supervised play time providing opportunities for dramatic play, building, art and science explorations, and social interaction.

Special Activities:

In addition to regular daily activities, they will also try to include many special celebrations throughout the year. They will have classroom parties for Pumpkin Day, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Easter. Teachers may include pajama days and other celebrations. From time to time, they may have special guests visit our students such as firefighters, police officers, or other community helpers.

A registration/activity fee of $100.00 is due at registration and serves to confirm your child’s placement in a class. This is not a supply fee. This fee will help to defray start-up classroom preparation costs. The child’s teacher will provide a short list of supplies to bring in the first weeks of school.

Tuition is due the first week of each month. Invoices will not be given or sent out, so timely payment will be kindly appreciated. There is a $5.00 late fee per week if paid after the first week of the month. Payment is collected at the drop box at the reception desk or you can hand it to the director.

The monthly fee schedule is as follows starting with the month of August through the month of April. There will be no tuition payment for the month of May if you pay for August.

  • 2-day (2 and 3-year-old classes) $110 per month or $990.00 yearly
  • 4-day (Pre-K class) $220 per month or $1,980.00 yearly

Note: Although the number of days in session varies from month to month, the tuition does not vary. Also, snow days that result in unscheduled school closings do not affect tuition. They will make every effort to keep costs reasonable. They feel that the quality of our program and teachers is top notch and salaries must be paid despite closings for bad weather.

More information can be accessed on the school’s site.