Monroe County Master Gardener Fair is Saturday, April 15

BLOOMINGTON – The Monroe County Master Gardener Fair is Saturday, April 15 from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. and is free to attend. A gray dogwood seedling will be given to the first 300 guests.

The event will be held at Switchyard Park Pavilion 1601 South Rogers Street.

Helping gardeners and communities learn and grow is one of the fair’s primary missions.

Money raised through booth rentals, donations, and food sales at the Garden Thyme Cafe all fund the MCMGA Grant Program which returns money to community groups on an application basis.

As in past years, this is a non-invasive species event!  Browse more than 35 local vendors and not-for-profits displaying garden-related products, services, and crafts. They are passionate about gardening just like you.

Enjoy lunch items and tasty home-baked desserts at Garden Thyme Café.

Dig into your inner gardener at the Garden Activity Booth and make a pinecone bird feeder alone or with the family.

The City of Bloomington Utilities and Monroe County Stormwater will have a booth with info and grant applications.

Visit the House Plant Doctor booth and soak up the secrets of happy, healthy houseplants.

Stop by the Gardening Everywhere booth to learn about becoming a Master Gardener yourself or Purdue Extension’s impact on our everyday lives.

For more information visit