Monroe County CARES will host a virtual panel discussion on houselessness and supportive housing options in Monroe County

BLOOMINGTON – Monroe County CARES will host a virtual panel discussion on houselessness and supportive housing options in Monroe County on Thursday, March 23, 2023, from 12:00 p.m. until 1:30 p.m.

Staff from three area organizations, Beacon, Inc., Centerstone, and Heading Home of South-Central Indiana, will discuss local housing needs as well as programs for supportive housing.

To attend, request a zoom link by emailing Monroe County CARES Coordinator, Lisa Meuser, at

Monroe County CARES distributes grants each year to local agencies that work to reduce substance use in the areas of prevention, education, intervention, treatment, and justice. The 2023 grant applications will be released later this month.

Those interested in applying for a CARES grant should contact for more information.

Monroe County CARES is the local coordinating council for the Governor’s Commission for a Drug-Free Indiana, established to coordinate, support, and promote local efforts to prevent and reduce harmful involvement with alcohol and other drugs.