Springville Community Academy moving towards hiring a school resource officer

BEDFORD – Lawrence County Sheriff Greg Day requested permission to assist Springville Community Academy in hiring a school resource officer.

Sheriff Greg Day

“Safety of our kids is a huge issue,” said Day. “If they are willing to fund an officer we should do this.”

The hiring of the officer will not cost the county any money. Day has been working with SCA Principal Jayme Davis to iron out an agreement.

Principal Jayme Davis

“The school has secured a Homeland Security grant to pay for the officer,” added Day. “The officer will only have police duties as a resource officer. He will be sworn in as a special deputy.”

The officer will follow all the rules and regulations of the Sheriff’s Department.

The school board will be responsible for paying the officer’s salary, training, benefits, and equipment.

The person hired for the position must be a graduate of the police academy and then be approved by Day for the position.

“We would provide the officer with training and then invoice the school quarterly for training costs,” added Day.

The Sheriff’s Department will donate a 2000 Crown Victoria vehicle to the school. The school would be responsible for all of the gas and vehicle upkeep.

Day will draft a contract between the school and the Sheriff’s Department. Once that contract is approved by County Attorney David Smith, it will be presented to the school board for approval.