John Wallace Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution approved to clean and add names to Revolutionary Soldiers’ Plaque

BEDFORD – The John Wallace Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution received permission from the Lawrence County Commissioners Tuesday morning to clean and add names to the Revolutionary Soldiers’ Plaque located at the courthouse.

Kenna Hodges addresses the commissioners.

“The plaque is really hard to read and needs to be cleaned, added Kenna Hodges. “The list of the Revolution soldiers was added in 1949 with 29 names.”

Since that time a second plaque was placed in 1976.

Now the group wants to add an additional 13 names and have this completed for the 250th anniversary of this country.

The Daughters of the Revolution will have the two plaques cleaned and restored and add six names to the second plaque and then add a third plaque with the remaining 7 names.

All the funding will be provided by the John Wallace Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution at no cost to the county.