4-H Junior Leaders visit the aftercare students at Springville Community Academy

SPRINGVILLE – On Tuesday, January 17, 4-H Junior Leaders Nora Howat and Jacob Burrus visited the Springville Community Academy (SCA) and taught the aftercare students (K-8th graders) how to be mindful of their feelings to promote the 4-H Teens as Teachers Program. 

They read a story, made a craft, then played a game that had to do with feelings.

Nora Howat Reading “Moody Cow” to the SCA students.

First, the Junior Leaders read a story called “Moody Cow” which was a tale about ways to control angry thoughts and feelings. 

Next, they made a craft that was mentioned in the story.  The students made “mood jars,” which are jars filled with water, glitter glue, and glitter. The students would then shake the jars so that the ingredients would get mixed up.  They would have to wait a day and keep shaking the jars to make them look the best. 

Jacob Burrus Helping the SCA students out with their “Mood Jars”.

Finally, the Junior Leaders had the students play a game called “Smile Tag.”  The students would take a paper plate and on one side, draw a happy face, and on the other, a sad or angry face.  Then they would play tag, starting with one person as “happy” and the others as “Sad or Angry.”  The goal was to get everyone to be “happy.”  

The 4-H teens as teachers and students preparing to play “Smile Tag”

Thank you to the SCA staff for letting these 4-H Junior Leaders visit their aftercare program to reach the minds of the next generation.  

Story written by Jacob L. Burrus