Brown County State Park ranks sixth among the most beautiful state parks in the country

NASHVILLE, IN – Brown County State Park ranks sixth on a list of most beautiful state parks in the country according to a study done by Travel Lens.

Brown County State Park

Nicknamed the “Little Smokies” because of the area’s resemblance to the Great Smoky Mountains, Brown County encompasses nearly 16,000 acres of rugged hills, ridges, and fog-shrouded ravines. Glaciers from the most recent ice ages stopped short of the “hills o’ Brown,” but their meltwaters helped create the narrow ridges, steep slopes, and deep gullies of Brown County State Park. Indiana’s largest park is a traditional fall color hot spot, with nearly 20 miles of tree-lined roads and many scenic vistas overlooking miles of uninterrupted forestland.

Last year, the park was added to the National Register of Historic Places, and it is a fixture on various “best of” rankings for its mountain biking trails.

The online publication used Yelp and TripAdvisor reviews, the number of times they mentioned the words beautiful, stunning, and breathtaking, as well as a park’s Instagram popularity and Google search data to compile its list of the “most aesthetically pleasing” state parks.