Lawrence County 4-H Junior Leaders are excited to invite you to their kick-off meeting

BEDFORD – Lawrence County 4-H Junior Leaders are excited to invite you to their kick-off meeting.

4-H Project Junior Leaders

Anyone in grades 7-12 is invited to participate, and feel free to bring a friend.

The Indiana 4-H Junior Leader program is designed to teach 4-H members in grades 7-12 about leadership development. Youth who participate in 4-H Leadership opportunities gain experiences that better equip them to enter the workforce and/or pursue higher education.

4-H Junior Leaders held mini day camp | WBIW
Some of Lawrence County Junior Leaders

The kick-off meeting will take place at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 6 at the Junior Leader Stand on the Fairgrounds.

It will include a scavenger hunt and a taco bar.

Be sure to wear comfortable shoes and RSVP at this link, or by emailing Lesley Lodmell at, or calling 812-275-4623.

Since there is a scavenger hunt, if any 4-H volunteers can stick around, please let Lesley know.

 You can save the date for the Area 2 Jr, Leader Retreat to meet and learn from other teens from across the state. Officials are still finalizing details, but the retreat will be November 4-5.

To become a Junior Leader, youth must be in grade 7 and up and enrolled in 4-H.

Learn more at: