Timber rattlesnake active now during their breeding season

BROWN CO. – The rare and beautiful state-endangered timber rattlesnake is more active now (breeding season) at Brown County State Park.

The Department of Natural Resources says to watch this non-aggressive snake from a distance, wear shoes, use a flashlight, watch your step, stay on trails and keep pets leashed.

Watch for timber rattlesnakes sign in Brown County State Park

Mating may occur in both spring and fall, with the young being born in late summer. Clutches range in size from 2 to 20. Newborn young are approximately 7- to 10-inches in length.

Individuals have been reported as early as April and as late as November. Hibernation may be spent in rock crevices, crayfish burrows, or old stumps. During the spring and fall, these snakes spend time basking and foraging for food. Hot summer temperatures may cause them to develop nocturnal habits. The disposition of individuals can vary, but these snakes are generally thought to be relatively docile and sluggish animals unless provoked. Nevertheless, caution should be taken when encountering a rattlesnake their venom can be lethal to humans.

Interpretive sign with info about timber rattlesnakes and copperheads.

 Current legal protection forbids the collection and killing of this species in Indiana, but habitat conservation will likely play an even more important role in the management of this species.