FAYETTEVILLE – The Lawrence County Independent School board met Thursday to discus the open enrollment process and lottery system for the 2022-2023 academic year.
Open enrollment ended April 15 with 302 students registered for the 2022-23 academic year, applicants who signed up after the deadline will be placed into a lottery that will determine the order of who will be offered open seats. According to LCIS Finance and Business Director Tisha Turner, that drawing will be done during a public hearing which will be scheduled in the next few weeks
Previous LCIS students will be given priority for classroom seats, but in some instances, previous students may exceed the school’s previously set cap of 25 students per classroom.
With this, LCIS will likely need to increase the classroom cap rather than turning families away, and will not exceed 30 students per class. An increase in support staff may be needed to keep each classroom ratio to have one adult working for every 13 students per class.
In other news, board members voted to enter a three-year contract with Canyon Falls Business Solutions in Indianapolis, to handle their computer management and Chromebook repair. The hope is to speed up the potential repair times and services by working with a more local company.
The board then approved an updated calendar for the 2022-2023 school year. The calendar will include 180 student days and with changes made by Indiana House Bill 1310, each school will be limited to three e-learning days per school year. The first student day will be Aug. 9, with the last student day on May 24, 2023
LCIS will host an open house on May 10th for families to come by and see all of the work each student has done through the school’s first year. A second Playground Palooza event will also occur on May 28. The event will serve as a fundraiser for playground equipment at the school, which will include feedback from students of LCIS.
New hires
- Bailey King as a fourth-grade long-term substitute
- Heather Robertson a 1:1 aide
- Carrie Young as fourth-grade teacher
- Courtney LeRoy as fourth- grade instructional assistant