Indiana Launches the Community Assessment Survey for Older AdultsTM

INDIANA – The Family and Social Services Administration’s Division of Aging, in conjunction with Indiana’s Area Agencies on Aging, is conducting the Community Assessment Survey for Older AdultsTM.

Previously conducted in 2013 and 2017, the CASOA, administered by Polco & National Research Center, Inc., provides a statistically valid survey of the strengths and needs of older adults as reported by older adults themselves in communities across America.  The objectives of the CASOA are to:

  • identify community strengths in serving older adults;
  • articulate the specific needs of older adults in the community;
  • estimate contributions made by older adults to the community, and;
  • determine the connection of older adults to the community.

The results of this survey will provide useful information for state and local planning and resource development, as well as strengthen advocacy efforts and stakeholder engagement. The information will also contribute to the creation of the 2023-2026 Indiana State Plan on Aging.    

To participate, please visit, by Nov. 29, 2021. All survey responses are anonymous.

Surveys are also being mailed to a random sample of older adult-headed households throughout the state. If you directly received a survey invitation in the mail, it is important that you complete that version (and access the survey using the URL provided in the mailed materials) rather than responding to this open participation link.

FSSA Division of Aging would like to encourage stakeholders and provider agencies to share this link with their internal and external networks to help inform state and local planning efforts. 

The Division of Aging is a program of the Indiana Family & Social Services Administration. If you have questions about Aging programs and services, visit us online at