LCIS approves resolution for the sale of receivables to Charter School Capital


FAYETTEVILLE – The Lawrence County Independent Schools approved the sale of receivables to Charter School Capital.

This is a payday loan for the charter school using the state tuition reimbursement as the leverage for the loan.

LCIS board did not take any action on approving a contract with Shireman Construction who met with the board earlier in submitting a proposal to get the Fayetteville School up to Indiana State Code for an educational facility. The board will seek a second quote

The board met with the Lawrence County Health Department, and Indiana State Fire Marshal’s office Thursday to learn what will be needed to bring the building up to state code.

Lindsay Omlor, executive director of charter schools for Education One, presented the board measures Education One will be using to make sure the charter school meets their standards in performance.

The results of all evaluations will be made publicly to the board and parents with the goal of transparency at all times.

Thursday’s primary focus regarded the local academic benchmarks that Education One will be evaluated for the new charter school.

Education One operates a total of 11 charter schools across the State of Indiana.

Kindergarten screenings were also conducted Thursday at LCIS. So far 33 students have enrolled in kindergarten.

There are 290 students enrolled in LCIS for the upcoming school year, thus far.

During the public comment period, Kay Reeves, of Fayetteville, told board members, “Thank you for never giving up, thanks for your hard work, it has been appreciated.”

Melissa Russell asked the board, what the communication plans were.

“I do not use Facebook, and want to know how to communicate with the board?” she asked.

The board stated a newsletter will be released, as well as email communications, along with posts on Facebook and on the LCIS website.

LCIS is seeking three board members for the nine-member board, anyone that is interested can reach out through email at or visit their webpage at