(BEDFORD) – Public Safety Funds were distributed to local volunteer fire departments from the Local Option Income Tax.
The main funding for contracted volunteer fire departments in Lawrence County comes from the township trustee.
Here is a list of 2020 Public Safety Funds to the local volunteer fire departments:
- Indian Creek Township – $5,828.22
- Marion Township – $ 18,546.20
- Marshall Township – $8,557.10
- Perry Township – $3,985.61
- Pleasant Run Township – $5,840.84
- Shawswick Township – $37,031.43
- Huron – $3,761.78
This year, Marion Township Volunteer Fire Department was approved for the public safety funds in Bono Township.
The distribution for Guthrie Township was not included in this year’s request.
“In 2016, we had to return all the Guthrie Township public safety funds at the request of the Lawrence County Auditor’s office. We were told we could not receive those funds even though we provide fire protection to that area,” said Fire Chief Shawswick Volunteer Fire Department Bobby Brown.
Shawswick Volunteer Fire Department provides fire protection to Guthrie Township after the contract for Guthrie Township was discontinued by former Guthrie Township Trustee Robert Awbrey.
“The auditor’s office told us we could not seek the public safety funds for Guthrie Township even though we provide fire protection for that area,” Brown added.
Indian Creek also provides fire protection for Spice Valley North township.
During last night’s Lawrence County Council meeting, Janie Craig Chenault asked how the amount of money and distribution is calculated to which Lawrence County Council President David Flinn replied, “We do not know or understand that formula even though we have asked in the past.”
The majority of the Public Safety Funds is distributed to the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department to operate the jail and some of the funds are distributed to fund the 911 dispatch center at the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department.
The total Public Safety Funds distributed to volunteer fire departments is $83,551.