NLCS Board Updated On Future Programs Slated For 2020-2021 School Year


(BEDFORD) – The North Lawrence Community School board were provided with updates on programs scheduled to take place during the 2020-2021 school year.

On Wednesday, the school corporation held an open house for the Empire Virtual School. According to officials there were over 500 views and around 375 students expressing interest in the virtual format. The open house was for students in grades 6-12.

On Monday, July 20, 2020 a second open house will be held for students in grades K-5 and more information will be released later on the North Lawrence Community Schools website.

Playful Pathways enrollment will begin next week. So far there are a total of 64 parents expressing interest in the program. Anyone wishing to find out about the preschool program can go to the NLCS website and obtain more information.

Matt Olson gave NLCS School board members an update on the jobs and skills program at North Lawrence Career Center.

Joe Timbrook of Lawrence County Economic Development and Matt Olson of the North Lawrence Career Center updated school board members on the three-week job and skills training course that began this week. Eight students are participating in the course which introduces them to welding, construction trades, and machining. This program is designed to help students skill up and explore potential careers in addition to help those who have criminal histories find skills to improve their outcome in life.

The school board approved some changes to the school handbook. Kirsten Collier abstained from voting on the changes because she only received the documents the night before and did not get a chance to look at all of the proposed changes in policy.

An auction of surplus property will take place on July 25, 2020, at two locations. One location is the old Triangle & Leahy building and the second location is Bedford North Lawrence High School.

Re-opening of the schools is still scheduled for August 10, 2020 pending recommendations from health care officials and Governor Eric Holcomb. School officials say they will continue to keep the public notified of changes and updates.

Concerns from parents are still being expressed to both school board members and Dr. Mungle.

Donna Garber, a custodial employee for NLCS, continued to express her concerns over losing benefits and pay. Dr Mungle responded by explaining the process of trying to be fair and equitable to the many employees of the corporation.

The school board and administration say they are still working through the details on the yet to be voted on proposal at this time. The school board and Dr. Mungle say they will continue to listen to the concerns of employees.

School support staff have received two raises since Dr. Mungle’s taking over as superintendent. The first raise for support staff was awarded over eight years ago.

Garber thanked them for time and effort in addressing her concerns.

Attorney Greg Pittman told the board and public that the school corporation and Perry Township are still negotiating for the Springville school property.

The following personnel changes were approved with Jeremy Gilbert abstaining from voting on the extra-curricular changes.


  • Lindsey Bailey – NLCS Director of Special Education effective for the 2020-21 academic year.
  • Shelby England – NLCC Health Science I Instructor effective for the 2020-21 academic year.
  • Melissa Keiser – BMS FACS Instructor effective for the 2020-21 academic year.
  • Kensi Terry – Lincoln Instructor effective for the 2020-21 academic year.


  • Brooklyn Morrow – Playful Pathways Lead Facilitator effective July 27, 2020



  • Jenna Clark – Transferring from BNL Director of Counseling to NLCS Career Pathways Coordinator effective July 1, 2020.
  • Connie McDaniel – Transferring from Heltonville to Project Lead the Way Coach effective for the 2020-21 academic year.


  • BMS

    Katelyn Gibbens – BMS 8th Grade Volleyball Coach
    Jessica Bellush – BMS 7th Grade Volleyball Coach

    Gary Ray – Middle School Football Coach
    John Morris – Middle School Football Coach
    Jeff Jones – Middle School Football Coach
    Sean Steele – Middle School Football Coach
    Ryan McKinney (1/2 pay) – Middle School Football Coach
    Wyatt Martin (1/2 pay) – Middle School Football Coach
    Jeff Jackson – Middle School Volunteer Football Coach
  • BNL

    – Head Coach: Steve Weber
    – Assistant Coach: Derek Barker
    – Assistant Coach: Brett Deckard
    – Assistant Coach: Shawn Nikirk
    – Assistant Coach: Kendall Reid
    – Assistant Coach: AJ Abplanalp Pending background check.
    – Assistant Coach: Bo Miller
    – Assistant Coach: Jason Webb

    – Assistant Coach: Kathy Tanksley

    Cross Country:
    – Boys Cross Country: Jonathan Calhoun
    – Girls Cross Country: Jill Vance

    Boys Tennis:
    – Head Coach: Donnie Thomas
    – Assistant Coach: Cody East

    Girls Golf:
    – Head Coach: Aaron Sanders Pending background check.

    – Boys Head Coach: Logan Jackson
    – Boys Assistant Coach: Ryan Otis
    – Boys Assistant Coach: John Bradshaw
    – Boys Assistant Coach: Jim Jackson (Volunteer) Pending background
    – Girls Head Coach: DJ West
    – Girls Assistant Coach: Jackie DuFresne

    – Assistant Coach: Katie Cummings Pending background check.
    – Assistant Coach: Lexie Cummings
    – Freshmen Coach: Paige Taylor Pending background check.

    Unified Flag Football:
    – Head Coach: Mike Branam
    – Assistant Coach: Peyton Storms
    – Assistant Coach: John Epping (Volunteer) Pending background check.

    Boys Basketball:
    – Head Coach: Jeff Hein
    – Varsity Assistant: Zac Robbins
    – JV Coach: Jason Webb
    – Freshmen Coach: Jeremy Gilbert (Volunteer)

    Girls Basketball:
    – Head Coach: Jeff Allen
    – Varsity Assistant: Mandy Harrell
    – JV Coach: Brett Holtz
    – Freshmen Coach: Chase Spreen



  • Mary Ellen Baker – Resigning as Joint Services Resource Instructor July 22, 2020.
  • Brian Boyer – Resigning as BNL Math Instructor effective at the end of the 2019-20 academic year.
  • Shauna Dalton – Resigning as NLCS Librarian effective at the end of the 2019-2020 academic year.
  • Deidra Garines – Resigning as BMS Instructor effective at the end of the 2019-20 academic year.
  • Laura Henley – Resigning as BMS Resource Instructor effective July 29, 2020.
  • Heidi Brazzell-Myers – Resigning as NLCC Health Science Instructor effective July 31, 2020.
  • Kim Perry – Resigning as Oolitic Instructor effective July 24, 2020.
  • Danielle Pruett – Resigning as Shawswick Instructor effective at the end of the 2019-20 academic year.
  • Stacy Ritter – Resigning as Oolitic Instructor effective at the end of 2019-20 academic year.
  • Judith Terry – Resigning as NLCS ELL Instructional Assistant effective at the end of the 2019-20 academic year.
  • Jessica Walls – Resigning as Parkview Primary 1st Grade Instructor effective at the end of the 2019-20 academic year.


  • Hollie Allred – Resigning as Parkview Instructional Asst. effective July 7, 2020.


  • Stacy Ritter – Resigning as Oolitic Student Council President, and Oolitic Co-Renaissance Sponsor, effective at the end of the 2020-21 school year.

E. Retirement:

  • Richard A. Crose – Retiring as NLCS Maintenance effective July 1, 2020.
  • Melissa Kalber – Retiring as NLCS Food Service Cook effective July 6, 2020.

Medical Leave Requests

  • Lesley Kimmel – Requesting medical/parental leave effective August 3, 2020, continuing until February 23, 2021.
  • Brian Scott – Requesting medical leave effective July 15th continuing for 8 weeks.
  • Sabrina Sumpter – Requesting medical leave effective August 7, 2020, continuing for 14 weeks returning on November 16, 2020.