Public Meeting For LCIS On Thursday, Quest For Springville Elementary School Continues


(SPRINGVILLE) – Lawrence County Independent Schools will host a public meeting on Thursday, June 11 at 7:00 p.m. at Fayetteville Baptist Church.

The meeting is designed for the public to ask questions and get familiar with the board members of the newly formed charter school.

Lawrence County Independent Schools will have a short presentation and then the public can engage with the board members.

Update on Perry Township’s request to acquire the Springville Elementary School building:

Perry Township Trustee Bob Phillips’s request to acquire Springville Elementary School continues.

Perry Township Trustee Bob Phillips

According to Phillips, Indiana Code 20-23-6-9 Section 9, parts A through G mandates that North Lawrence Community Schools notify Perry Township within 45 days to offer the property back to the township.

Phillips says that in a letter dated May 12, 2020, North Lawrence Community Schools did not notify the township and they did not respond to his letter requesting a response of their intentions for the building.

However, North Lawrence Community Schools’ response to this letter was received by WBIW on Monday afternoon which stated the following:

“North Lawrence Community Schools is aware of the requirements set forth in Indiana Code 20-23-6-9 as it pertains to a consolidated school corporation offering property back to the township that owned the property before the school consolidated once the school determines that the property is no longer needed for school purposes,” said Attorney Greg Pittman for North Lawrence Community Schools.

Springville Elementary School

Lawrence County Independent Schools is wanting to use Springville Elementary School to keep the school within Perry Township and the western part of Lawrence County.

“The decision has already been made by the North Lawrence Community Schools Board,” said Albert Cross, President of Lawrence County Independent Schools. “Now it is time to give parents other choices for their child’s education.”

Fayetteville School also sits on township property in Indian Creek Township. However, Indian Creek Township Trustee Gary Scherschel has not considered acquiring the Fayetteville School for Indian Creek Township at this time.

WBIW has learned that one bond (loan) remains in place on Fayetteville, Heltonville, and Springville elementary schools. That bond will need to be reassigned before any kind of property transfers could occur.

Update on litigation surrounding consolidation:

The injunction filed by North Lawrence Parents Group, LLC against the corporation has also been continued until July 10 at 1:30 p.m. in Lawrence County Circuit Court.

A hearing on a motion filed by Attorney Greg Pittman for Judicial Review and Appeal will be held on Friday at 9:30 a.m. in Lawrence County Circuit Court. The Indiana State Attorney’s Office motion to dismiss the appeal and review will be ruled on at the same time.